
The Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, UFJF) is a university in Brazil. Throughout its over 50 years of existence, the university has undergone significant growth, strengthening the quality of undergraduate and graduate education while maintaining its role as an agent of community development.
UFJF was established in 1960 by an act of Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitscheck. At that time, colleges functioning in the city of Juiz de Fora were officially integrated by the government to constitute a university. In the earlier years, the courses offered were Medicine, Engineering, Economic Science, Law, Pharmacy and Dentistry. Later, the courses of Geography, Languages & Literature, Philosophy, Biological Sciences, Social Science and History were also opened.
The campus was built in 1969 and the courses offered under licensure were distributed among different campus units. The Social Communication (Journalism) course was created and became part of the Law Faculty departments.
During the 1970s, three institutes were created at the campus: Institute of Exact Sciences (ICE), Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB) and Institute of Human Sciences and Letters (ICHL), offering undergraduate programs. Later, these institutes also offered a range of postgraduate courses and research programs.